DALLAS COWBOYS VINTAGE CAPSports SpecialtiesMade in Bangladesh*Please note that this item is vintage and from the 90s so it may show aging due to storage or wear (see flaws and condition)snapback snapbackhat vintage vintagehat vintagecap vintagesnapback vintagesportswear hat cap logoathletic sportsspecialties starter newera vintagenba nbacap nbahat vintagenhl nhlcap nhlhat vintagenfl nflcap nflhat vintagemlb mlbcap mlbhat#snapback #snapbackhat #vintage #vintagehat #vintagecap #vintagesnapback #vintagesportswear #hat #cap #logoathletic #sportsspecialties #starter #newera #vintagenba #nbacap #nbahat #vintagenhl #nhlcap #nhlhat #vintagenfl #nflcap #nflhat #vintagemlb #mlbcap #mlbhatカラー···ホワイト